CypNest Survey | Thankyou Gift


CypNest User Experience Survey

Thank you for all respondents’ input!

CypNest team conducted a survey in April and all the feedback will be evaluated and appreciated. The survey asked about the user satisfaction, function suggestions, and such. The survey findings are summarized below.

User Satisfaction

When they are asked, “how satisfied are you with CypNest”, about 72% repondents rated CypNest 8 and up on the scale of 1-10, with a mean of 8.3. Over 41% of the respondents are very likely to recommend CypNest and rated 10 on the scale of 0-10.

cypnest user satisfaction

Popular Functions

Without any doubts, fast nesting speed(58.7%) and great sheet utilization(63%) are the top 2 popular functions. Integration with other software and exporting .nc/.dxf/etc. files are also very much liked. And don’t forget the reporting and quote features.

For nesting strategies, you can read Set Nest Strategy

For reporting and quote, you can check  Check Nest Report and Sheet Utilization Rate


More customized reporting and auto nesting requirements are found in the suggestion section, which have been forwarded to the Product manager and the team. Follow us on Linkedin, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to get the latested news about the new release with your suggestions.

Multi-language version is also required, e.g. Polish. The 10-language release is on it way, including Русский, 한국인, Português, Nederlands, Čeština, Español, 日本語, Italiano, Français, Deutsch. English will be optimized too.

For documentations, the video tutorial is planned to be released in Q2. If you have specific questions about howto, feel free to contact CypNest support via Whatsapp or email at

Winner List

CypNest team is grateful for your time and effort, and 9 respondents will get a thankyou gift from the team. Respendents listed below will be soon contacted via email. Please check your inbox.


cypnest survey winner list


About CypNest

CypNest is a robust nesting solution offering a wide array of modular, customizable features. You can import parts from any CAD system, automatically sort them into tasks by material and machine, optimize material usage and machine motion, post programs to any cutting machine, and track results from start to finish.

All manufacturers are welcome to use their preferred setup, but CypNest offers a straightforward, efficient workflow that simplifies things for programmers and operators, while saving time and material. It integrates work orders and quotes from MES, offering a strong breadth and depth of functionality that ensures accurate part cutting, optimal material usage, and reduced cutting time.

Download today and try it HERE.